Mobile Banking - Do's & Don'ts
- Always download latest version of Puduvai Pay from Google Play Store / Apple App Store only and not from any other webpages.
- Please remember that bank would never ask you to verify your account information through e-mail / Phone Call.
- Update your device with latest anti-virus and anti-spyware software regularly.
- Check your account statement regularly and ensure that it is correct in every aspect.
- Report any erroneous entries to Bank immediately on observing any discrepancy.
- Never download any unknown/suspicious apps which can permit remote access of your mobile like AnyDesk, Teamviewer, AnyConnect.
- Do not share your passwords, OTP, Card number, Expiry date, CVV, ATM PIN, MPIN, TPIN to anyone including Bank officials.
- Do not provide any information on a page which might have come up as a pop-up window.
- Always remember that information like password/ATM PIN /MPIN/ TPIN etc. are strictly confidential and are not known even to employees/service personnel of the Bank. You should therefore, never divulge such information even if asked for.